Come Ye Thirsty to the Rock
Christ is Our Rock signified at Horeb
2 parts
Even So Come - L-rd Jesus
"We cry out for the L-rd Christ to come quickly and
render each man according to deeds"
2 parts
There is No One like Him - Jesus!
Abraham discovered the most amazing Angel ever!
Christ Takes Away the Veil
A veil remains over the eyes of the people of Israel
4 parts
Come & Make Covenant with G-d!
Abram walked with the Lord until he was blessed!
Jesus is the Way, Truth, and the Life
No other way to the Father's glorious throne!!
The Good News
This is the best news you could ever hear!
I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel
What does it mean to be born again?
Saving Faith
Don't leave planet earth without it!