Faith That Guides Our Calling
I hope that you can agree with me that from the bible, your conscience has been trained to believe that “without faith it is impossible to please God!” For many of you, young men and women, the question remains, “How do I show my God, my faith?” In order to “show” God that you are trusting Him exclusively, you must, in the first place, “learn” what you are being called to do for God. I remind you at the outset of this discussion, that we do not “do stuff” to “earn” salvation, but out of the blessedness of our eternal calling in Christ, we “serve” Jesus with a heart of gratitude and thanksgiving.
Do people today really believe that hell and judgment await all those who deny the Lordship of Jesus? Is it clear in the hearts of true believers that heaven awaits all those who trust exclusively "in the blood" of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins? Do folks embrace entirely the truth that by the virtue of the righteousness of Jesus, that those who trust in the virtue of His Blood, have direct access to the throne of heaven? That by the imputation (exchanged and entrusted to your account) of His righteousness, we can't do mighty "works" in the promotion of His kingdom?
2 Cor.5:18-20 says, “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us; we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
Isn't it amazing that just by a simple admission of our being a “sinner” and through a real heartfelt confession of our “real” violations of God's law, we are saved and forever we will be with Lord if continue steadfast in walk before His face. These are the very simple requirements that Our God requires of every member of the human race so that they might obtain His incredible treasure of eternal life?
For those of us who want to show the world that God reigns; we must start with a clear understanding that our eternal salvation is in Christ alone. This God-initiated work of faith is the essential first step to “showing” our faith to this world. Isn't it more more amazing that we now, on behalf of Christ, we compel our world to, “be reconciled to God!” as His sanctified ambassadors? Do you realize the role the God has given you, has it gripped your heart?
To know for sure that you are born again by the water and blood of Jesus, through His death and powerful resurrection, is the only and most absolutely essential truth to be understood by us today. That in our heart, at the heart level, we must effectively “show” the power of our faith. Between you and Your God, in the garden of your deepest contemplations of His value to you as a condemned sinner.
As we begin to learn how to abide in Christ, a very “real” and “vital” faith that creates a contagion starts to emerge in our walk before the Lord. This real and vital faith reveals to our very needy world, that a very awesome Creator and exacting Judge stares down at us every second of every day. We keep on telling ourselves these words, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” and I am, “an ambassador of Christ”. As we consistently perform this sacred high priestly act we will turn my world back to God!
In a very practical way we show our faith to our world by what we do in the little and the big things. Even in down to the most minute details of our decision-making made in the course of our everyday life. Once you are assured of your new birth in Christ; Our King will guide you to walk with those who “know” Him and the power of His righteousness that worka on the inside of them, just like you. The Lord desires to bring together those who are truly born again.
As you begin to grow up into Christ within the context of local body of believers, you will gradually, over time, become all that you have been destined to be in Him.
Phil.2:12b,13, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for [His] good pleasure."
Many of you must at this point in your christian life are being called to make a commitment to connect with God-ordained godly leadership. These older men and women of God have been called by Christ to uncover the specific gifts that your Father in heaven has woven into your DNA. And over time, your place and office in Christ's church will start to emerge.
Determining your office and your spiritual gifts will help you to connect with those best suited to help you establish the work of Christ in your area of ministry. Your calling and your place in His Body will fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ for you and those who the Lord by His Spirit leads you to connect with in a family-like fashion.
As you grow up into Christ, you will begin to function either in the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, or teaching role as taught in Eph. 4:11-13 which clearly lays out the way Christ desires to build up His people individually and operationally within the context of His Body,
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ.”
How many of you can honestly say that you are moving in the way just described here in the Word of God? If you take seriously the reading of this text, you are being called to be a leader in the church, and you will fit into at least one of these offices mentioned in Eph. 4:11. The Lord's desire is to establish His People by raising up these offices to build His Church on the earth. Are you preparing and working hard to know your office? Are you seeking the Lord to discover your the purpose of His death in your ministry calling?
Are you trusting in the Word of God to be a sufficient guide to manage your life in Christ? Sadly, I believe so many pastors today are not preaching the “whole counsel” of God's word because they do not possess “faith” in the sufficiency of the Word of God to regain our place as the representation of Christ's kingdom on the earth.
The words that flow out of the mouth of God must be preeminent in the life of every pastor or church leader called to shepherd Christ's sheep. These offices have been sovereignly given Christ's leaders so they can rightly equip God's saints to do the work of ministry in Christ's body. All those who have been entrusted to them, have been entrusted to Christ's leaders to have their gifts uncovered and unleashed for the work of spreading the influence of the kingdom of God worldwide. He will not come back until we do so!
In II Tim.3:16, 17 the Word says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and his profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
By simply trusting in the simple word of God, the same Word of God that has been given to you by faithful men, has been delivered by God to assist you in finding your way in God and help those coming into the kingdom find their place as well.
What I have just said may sound tough and a bit strong, but realize God's word tells us that the only way a man of God can become “perfect” and thoroughly equipped to do “gospel” work is to let the Word of God reprove, correct, and instruct him in the ways of God.
To become a “perfect” man, not lacking in any good work, requires the fire of God's judgment; the testing that comes from resting solely on the revelation of Himself as He represents Himself in His Word. The fire that refines my faith when I simply trust Him for my daily bread, is the same fire God uses to save very real sinners from their sins by His Powerful Word of Reconciliation. The reality is -- we never leave the refiner's fire!
People are watching you right now, they asking the hard questions of you, "Do you really believe what comes out of your mouth?" or "Can I trust God like this guy does?"
This faith stuff is very hard and at the same time it is very practical. As I sit in my home in Pilot Mountain resting on 21 acres of very beautiful pasture land, with seven children looking at their dad right now wondering, “when is God going to come and put us back into our public ministry, Livin Lattes Cafe?” and while we wait, "Are we going to lose everything?"
All I can really say to them is “trust” in God and believe with me that the same God who launched “Livin Lattes Cafe”, and shut it down last October, is the same God who will bring it back in His Perfect Time, even better then it was. God has, with no income, has fed all nine members of our large family. We all have a bed to rest our heads, and their stomachs are full, Why? Because we walk before the face of God and we have no choice to trust Him for the grace to handle these faith challenges by and through His Grace.
How Jonathan? By faith, my dear friend. Just walking day by day before the Lord and trusting in Him even with continual setbacks and disappointments mounting on top of each other, we reach higher and farther then ever before to touch the very heart of God.
In the final analysis, I truly believe that the Lord is going to restore the beauty of His Church in these days. God would not send revival to His people without moving on you and me. I ask Him to please revive this rising generation with a passion for Him that is faith-filled and holy. I beg the Lord to wake up His church and fill it with His Holy Spirit so it can become a beautiful bride ready for Christ's return! I continually ask the Lord to bring His people together to prepare the land for Christ's Return to earth! And I ask Him to please take care of my family!
The Word of God says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Put His Kingdom first in your life and God will take care of your daily bread.
In His Restful Care,
In : Leadership
Tags: calling jesus gifts offices edifying ""the body" teaching' faith growing