Jonathan Keener |
Pilot Mountain |
Blog Archive

Normally, as I have found in my own personal “struggle to obey G-d” (the name of my testimony which is on the right side of the front page of this website) that He still creates very painful and difficult situations in our lives, that only He can solve by His power. They force us to cry out for Him, at this point, all other help is lost to us. By this excruciating process, He is asking us to enter into His deliverance, His way out, simple by believing on His power and not the power of o...
In a world that is becoming more crazy everyday, a simple heartfelt “cry” of faith, is the most powerful weapon to save anyone and any people group from from the darkest “woes” of the worst of emotional, physical, and spiritual anguish. The heartfelt “cry” of one man, from the depths of his heart, can truly rearrange history and establish amazing results that will frame an “epic” and very “historical” moment and moment(s) that are part of the foundation of the future gene...
A dark mist hangs over our drooping heads. The times seem so filled with great stress as swords clash in the heights. Darkness presses its heavy weight of fear, tyranny, and control down on those of us who have been designated keepers of earth realm. The spirit realm continues to operate as normal, certain men rise to power and others die in obscurity. Wars wage, nations rise and fall, and the spirits of the air keep score. The old-line battles wage as familiar adversaries face each othe...
Jonathan Keener |
Pilot Mountain |